Baseline Assessment Consultant

Published: 27.08.2024 15:50:00
Deadline: 06.09.2024 23:59:59 The deadline for applications has expired
Salary: According to the interview results
Work experience: от 5 лет
Location: Remotely
Type of involvement: temporary work
Schedule: с 09:00 до 18:00

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Common information

About Foundation for Tolerance International (FTI)

Foundation for Tolerance International is a non-governmental organization working in the field of prevention and non-violent conflict resolution since 1998. It is one of the largest and most experienced NGOs in the region working on conflict prevention and transformation in Central Asia. FTI is a founding member of the “Fergana Valley” network of NGOs from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, and is the Regional Coordinator for Central Asia for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict.

About the project 

A project funded by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund, entitled “Supporting the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Women Returnees in Kyrgyzstan” is implemented by the consortium of organizations: Foundation for Tolerance International (FTI), Search for Common Ground, Public Fund “DIA” and Public Union of Women “Mutakalim”.  FTI leads the Consortium Wide. 


FTI is currently recruiting Baseline Assessment Consultant for the project. We encourage all those interested candidates to apply.

Qualification requirements

The Terms of Reference for the Baseline Assessment Consultant is attached. 

Qualification requirements:

  • An advanced degree in social science with an emphasis on Communication for Development, Behaviour Change Communication, Research Methodologies, baseline assessment, impact evaluations, Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • At least 5 years of professional experience, working PVE with adequate experience in Monitoring & Evaluation, Behavioral Change Communication and Awareness Raising.

  • Strong professional experience in conducting baseline/impact assessments for large scale projects.

  • Deep understanding of VE, especially in the context of Kyrgyzstan.

  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.

  • Experience in gathering and systematizing large amounts of data.


Scope of work

The consultant will be required to undertake the following specific tasks:

●        In consultation with FTI, the consultant will be expected to design standardized tools and finalize methodology for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data for the baseline assessment, taking into account the objectives mentioned above.

●        Analyze and interpret data to develop a comprehensive baseline report. Support the field research team during the data collection.*

●        Share key findings and insights with relevant staff and stakeholders through consultations.

* It is expected that a hired consultant will lead the process of methodology development, report writing while the field data will be collected by the FTI team.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

To apply, please send a CV, letter of interest indicating daily rate and contacts of at least 2 referees for reference check with the subject line " Baseline Assessment Consultant” to the email:    or   

 The deadline for applications BAC is September 6, 2024

About company

Фонд «За международную толерантность» (ФМТ) является неправительственной организацией, работающей в сфере предупреждения и ненасильственного разрешения конфликтов с 1998 года.

Команда ФМТ насчитывает более 25 человек разных национальностей, возрастов и квалификаций. Фонд имеет один головной офис в Бишкеке, а также три филиала – в г. Баткен, г. Ош, г. Жалал-Абад. ФМТ является одним из основателей сети «Долина мира», объединяющая НПО из Кыргызстана и Таджикистана. ФМТ является региональным координатором в Центральной Азии Глобального партнерства по предотвращению вооруженных конфликтов.

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