School Psychologist

Published: 09.06.2024 03:11:00
Deadline: 31.07.2024 23:59:59 remained 23 days
Salary: According to the interview results
Work experience: 1 year
Location: Bishkek
Type of involvement: full time


Common information

Open position for a School Psychologist at Silk Road International School for the school year 2024/2025.

Silk Road International School (SRIS) is seeking a dedicated School Psychologist to join our team. Our school psychologist designs and implements interventions for a wide spectrum of difficulties children may face, such as performance anxiety, learning difficulties, or anger management issues. Emphasizing students’ personal and social strengths, they encourage well-being and a healthier mindset. In collaboration with our teachers, they create and implement prevention programs to tackle common school problems, such as dropping out and bullying.

Qualification requirements

  • Proven experience as a school psychologist in a diverse educational setting.
  • Knowledge of various methods to prevent or treat mental-health problems and other difficulties.
  • Effective communication and counseling skills.
  • Integrity and professionalism.
  • A positive, patient, and resilient personality.
  • State license to work as a school psychologist.
  • Master’s degree in School Psychology or similar educational field; a Ph.D or Psy.D is a plus.


  • English: Solid B2 Level, better: C1 Level (Proficient user > Effective operational proficiency or advanced).


  • Design mental-health intervention and prevention programs.
  • Implement counseling and educational methods (e.g., breathing or mental imagery techniques).
  • Collaborate with educational staff to create coordinated plans.
  • Evaluate and report on student progress (e.g., using psychometric tests).
  • Set learning goals based on each student’s emotional, cognitive, and social strengths.
  • Refer students to community services if needed.
  • Research new methods to improve children’s well-being (e.g., mindfulness).
  • Resolve classroom or school crises.
  • Mentor and support teachers of high-risk children.
  • Guide parents in facilitating children’s progress.
  • Work with school-aged children and young adults.
  • Listen to concerns about academic, emotional, or social problems.
  • Help students process their problems and plan goals and actions.
  • Promote positive behaviors.
  • Meet with parents and teachers to discuss learning, behavioral, familial, and social problems.
  • Counsel parents on topics like substance abuse and communication.
  • Study and implement behavioral management techniques.
  • Research and implement learning programs.
  • Evaluate and advise school disciplinary practices for troubled students.
  • Participate in special education by administering psychological tests.


Start and Duration:

  • The position is for the 2024/2025 school year, starting with a week of teacher induction training on 15.08.2024. Classes commence on 26.08.2024.
  • This is a part-time role, with the possibility of contract extension after the initial school year.


  • Competitive salary and benefits, to be discussed during the interview.

Application Format:

Please include in your application:

  • Email subject: School Psychologist Application - [Your Name].
  • A cover letter in English detailing your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Your CV in English.
  • At least one reference or recommendation letter from a past role.

Interested applicants should send their application to

About company

This open position is at Silk Road International School («SRIS»). SRIS is an International School in Bishkek, which offers the full Cambridge pathway.

  • Please apply by sending an e-mail to Application via this website may not be processed.
  • Пожалуйста, подайте заявку, отправив электронное письмо на адрес Заявка через этот сайт может не быть обработана.

«SRIS» strives to be the best place for merited young talents to develop the stable personalities needed to become esteemed global citizens.

SRIS High School Courses (IGCSE):

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