External Evaluator

Published: 15.08.2024 11:31:00
Deadline: 30.08.2024 23:59:59 The deadline for applications has expired
Salary: According to the interview results
Work experience: 5 years
Location: Multiple locations
Type of involvement: remotely

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Common information

The contextual landscape of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has evolved significantly over the years, and the Acted-led project Strengthening the capacity of civil society to ensure the protection of women at risk and survivors of domestic violence in Central Asia (CS-GBV) has adapted to these changes to effectively address the issue. Besides, the past period has been marked by various events and changing contexts that have had a significant impact on the project. 

Project Targeted Chui, Jalalabad and Batken provinces in in Kyrgyzstan, Khatlon and Districts of Republican Subordination (DRS) regions in Tajikistan and Fergana and Surkhondarya regions in Uzbekistan .


Qualification requirements

The consultant should have the following background: 

  • Post- graduate qualifications in social and development project or relevant area. 

  • Excellent knowledge of the context and culture in Central Asia,  

  • Strong knowledge of GBV and CSOs role in GBV elimination in the given contexts. 

  • Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings. 

  • Knowledge of the language of the countries where the project is implemented.  

  • Excellent written and oral English essential. 

  • Work experience in monitoring and evaluation of development projects would be an asset.  

The consultant shall identify a focal point for communication and reporting purposes, with appropriate skills and experience. At the briefing session, the focal point should submit a full contact list of all those involved in the evaluation. 


  • Result 1.1: CSOs have improved skills and capacities to propose and advocate for improvements in the legal environment providing safeguards to at-risk women and women survivors of domestic violence. 

  • Result 1.2: CSOs are able to support sub-national institutions to better plan, fund and deliver evidence-based programmes that prevent and respond to cases of GBV in targeted districts. 

  • Result 2.1: Crisis centers and safe shelters provide at-risk women and girls and survivors of gender-based domestic violence with improved access to support services. 

  • Result 2.2: CSOs support key service providers to improve their capacity to respond to cases of domestic violence in a gender-sensitive manner and as per the legal provisions and international standards. 

  • Result 2.3: CSOs support the economic and social empowerment of women at-risk and survivors of domestic violence through reintegration programmes that support entrepreneurial initiatives. 

  • Result 3.1: CSOs undertake community-based initiatives, such as community dialogues, public information and awareness campaigns, and social programmes, to promote domestic violence prevention strategies. 

    In addition to the above results the project pursues one Capitalization Activity Result which is ‘the networks of women CSOs across Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are actively engaged in regional exchanges, benchmarking, and learning, for jointly elevating their national responses to gender-based domestic violence to be in line with the international human rights standards’. 

    In each country the project is implemented by project partners which are Zerkalo, Jahon and Gender and Development in Tajikistan, WFD and FWNGO in Kyrgyzstan and Shodilik va Ayol and Mehrjon in Uzbekistan. There is a certain percentage of co-funding that are expected as contribution from these partners. In Uzbekistan the co-funding obligation are covered by the grant that the project received from SDC office in the country.   

  • Some additional work on reporting should be done in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan


ToR_External Final Evaluation.docx

Overall objective:  To provide Acted, AFD and SDC with an assessment of the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, and impact of the project as compared to the project proposal. It will thus assess the extent to which the project met planned outcomes.  

Specific objectives: 

  • Assess the extent to which the project had led to achievement of the intended project objectives within the timeframe. 

  • Highlight lessons learnt and best practices of the project implementation 

All intested candidates shall send CV`s to e-mail: zamirbek.toktoraliev@acted.org

About company

ACTED worldwide

ACTED is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris, founded in 1993. Independent, private and not-for-profit, ACTED respects a strict political and religious impartiality and operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency.

ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential.

ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas.

ACTED develops and implements programmes that target the most vulnerable amongst populations that have suffered from conflict, natural disaster, or socio-economic hardship.

ACTED’s approach looks beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihoods reconstruction and sustainable development.

As of 2018, ACTED was present in four continents and our teams intervene in 37 countries towards 16 million people, responding to emergency situations, supporting rehabilitation projects and accompanying the dynamics of development.

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