Regional Communications and Reporting Manager

Published: 18.06.2024 11:48:00
Deadline: 09.07.2024 23:59:59 remained 6 days
Salary: According to the interview results
Work experience: minimum of 5 years
Location: Bishkek
Type of involvement: full time
Schedule: from 09:00 to 18:00


Common information

Project Description:

The USAID Resilient Communities Activity (RCA) builds upon the predecessor program, Central Asia Support for Stable Societies (CASSS) project, to advance local capacity in preventing violent extremist (PVE) activities across Central Asia. RCA works closely with both government and civil society partners in delivering services to the most at-risk communities, expanding engagement opportunities, and addressing existing vulnerabilities. RCA responds to developing trends and adapts strategies through learning to achieve the overall project goal of reducing risks of and increasing resilience to violent extremism (VE) in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The five-year RCA Activity will end on September 30, 2027.


The RCA Regional Communications and Reporting Manager (RCRM) will be responsible for maintaining program reporting deliverables and overseeing the design of program results-oriented and data visual aids that will support programming in a manner that clearly displays RCA’s program results. Work will include training staff to become more competent and familiar with reporting standards and the need to focus on results-oriented data.

Qualification requirements

Required Qualifications:

·       Master’s degree with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience or bachelor’s degree with 7 years of relevant experience.

·       Familiarity with various communication modes and mediums.

·       Be willing and able to travel throughout the RCA implementation areas, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and other areas as required, in support of RCA.

·       Strong visual graphic design skills.

·       Strong presentation skills.

·       Strong writing skills in English.

·       Fluent in Russian. Knowledge of one or more languages of the region is an advantage.

·       Possess both a willingness and an ability to train and be trained.



·       Implement RCA’s internal and external reporting and communications with a focus on quality and advanced infographics that highlight RCA program results.

·       Regularly extract data from RCA’s Management Information System (MIS) for beneficiary facts, figures, and other program statistics for telling the story of RCA’s work and impact.

·       Oversee the design of program visual infographics that depict program results, including those produced by the grantees.

·       Maintain comprehensive well-organized photo e-library.

·       Work with the RCA Program and M&E colleagues to ensure appropriate, quality-oriented information is being captured and shared in a timely manner.

·       Compile and edit monthly, quarterly, and annual reports for submission to the Chief of Party (COP).

·       Assist in the development of annual work plans and other program documents.

·       Respond to regular USAID data calls, urgent taskers, and ad hoc requests and liaise with national teams to obtain necessary input.

·       Compile and edit success stories and ensure RCA’s story is accurately told through photos, first-person highlights, anecdotal stories, videos, and other visuals used for project reporting and positive story telling as per USAID donor requirements.

·       Support and design grantee social media campaigns as required by the project.

·       Provide support to the technical team members as per the USAID-approved.  Branding and Marking (B&M) Plan, materials development for public events, and branding and marking planning for project beneficiaries, grantees and/or subcontractors.

·       In coordination with the COP obtain all required Development Outreach and Communication (DOC) Office approvals from USAID.

·       Other related responsibilities as necessary in meeting the goal and objectives of the Activity.



The position will be based in either the Almaty or Bishkek office, depending on the candidate's location, and will report directly to the Chief of Party. RCA does not cover relocation costs for the candidate. Candidates must have a work permit for the respective country.

To apply for position: Please email your CV with the position title specified in the subject line no later than July 9, 2024. Only those who send their CVs on email will be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

About company

DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis mitigation and stability operations, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, HIV/AIDS, avian influenza control, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change. Clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and host-country governments.

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